“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

Lao Tse

Imagine for a moment how Samuel Johnson must have felt when he was asked to compile the first dictionary in his native English. A gargantuan task, by any standards. In the end, it took Johnson nine years of relentless research to write all 42, 773 definitions.

Where did he find the motivation and energy to do it? The answer is that he did it one step at a time. He didn’t allow himself to be daunted by the sheer scale of the project. Instead, he kept chipping away at it until eventually he achieved the nigh-on impossible.

Do you dream of writing a book? Write one page a day, and you’ll be done in a year. Is there a room in your house you dread de-cluttering? Even if you only remove one piece of clutter a day, it’ll soon be sorted out.

Whenever you’re faced with something daunting, break it down into smaller steps. Don’t be overwhelmed by what you think you can’t do. Commit to doing what you can do.