por myriampabloucero | Sep 28, 2023 | idiomas, Sin categoría
Welcome to Tierras y Lenguas, where language learning becomes an island adventure! Palma de Mallorca, the jewel of the Mediterranean, beckons you to a world of sun, sea, and languages. In this blog, we’ll explore the magical experience of learning Spanish,...
por myriampabloucero | Sep 1, 2023 | idiomas
Welcome to Tierras y Lenguas, your gateway to the world of languages! Are you ready to embark on a magical language-learning journey? The month of September is the perfect time to kickstart your adventure, whether you’re a child or an adult. At Tierras y Lenguas...
por myriampabloucero | Jul 5, 2023 | educación, idiomas, español, Sin categoría
Do you live in Spain? Here you have 7 engaging conversation ideas to practice your Spanish. Spanish can be learned in more places than just a school classroom, or in a formal course. There are hundreds of ways to learn the language, you just have to find the one that...
por myriampabloucero | Abr 11, 2023 | idiomas, Sin categoría
La educación en línea ya existía desde 1990, pero con la pandemia del COVID-19 experimentó un crecimiento sin precedentes. Prácticamente todos los estudiantes del mundo, tanto de guardería como de secundaria y universidad, empezaron a tomar clases virtuales al verse incapaces de continuar con la educación en persona.
por myriampabloucero | Mar 20, 2023 | idiomas
Many people say: learning a new language is easy. Learning a new language can be a daunting task. It’s not easy, but it can be rewarding. It can also be a little overwhelming. In this article, I’ll be teaching you how to commit yourself to finishing your...
por myriampabloucero | Mar 2, 2023 | educación, inglés, idiomas, español
“To have another language is to possess a second soul.” ‒ Charlemagne When we think about languages in general we can often get fixated on the words and grammar that different languages use. However, a language is something much more than something...