by myriampabloucero | Nov 25, 2022 | education, languages, Spanish
While there is a great variety of English accents and dialects, the same is also very true for the Spanish speaking parts of the world. A tourist in Barcelona, Spain, might hear some familiar words, but if they then travel to Colombia, the very same sentence might...
by myriampabloucero | Nov 18, 2022 | languages, Spanish
There are 142 different language families, and 7,151 languages are spoken today. 40% of these languages are endangered, and only 23 languages represent more than half of the world’s population. Of these 23, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the...
by myriampabloucero | Jun 3, 2022 | education, languages
You know that practice makes perfect – so what happens when you don’t practice for an extended period of time? Many students view summer vacation as a time to completely separate from academic pursuits. While taking a break is important to avoid burnout, doing so may...
by myriampabloucero | May 5, 2022 | Uncategorized
“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” Lao Tse Imagine for a moment how Samuel Johnson must have felt when he was asked to compile the first dictionary in his native English. A gargantuan task, by any standards. In the end, it took Johnson nine...
by myriampabloucero | Mar 15, 2022 | education, languages
“The key is in not spending time, but investing it”-Stephen R.Covey Time is a funny thing. For one thing, it’s relative. It can pass faster or slower, depending on what we’re doing. We just measure it by the ticking of the clock or the turn of the...